I am an artist and an artist is a creator of beauty, masterpieces, and history. I like to make art because it is free and limitless. To make art is to make something that one-day will impact the world we live in. To make people think about life in general and to think about the future to come. What I like best about what I do is that I am able to express myself.
My life’s goal and aspiration is to give back to the world thought art. Thought art I am able to create and show the world what I have to offer. I like varies subjects but here are some of the subjects that I prefer. Some of the subjects that I prefer are drawing, printmaking, photography and printing. I prefer these subjects because I feel free.
When creating something with my hands in drawing, printmaking, photography and printing. All the subjects in art deal with the use of your hands. These subjects to me are the best way to express who you are. I say this because each and every subject I like to use is a wonderful and fun way to communicate to the world how or what I feel. The process, techniques, tools and materials that I prefer to use are many.
My current process is working in a peaceful, quiet and clean area. The technique is working with or in oil paints, watercolors, pastels, collage, drawing, painting as well as other art media. I prefer these techniques because I feel comfortable working with them to make art. I learned that to become a better artist you must first have to explore your abilities. Then attempt to learn new techniques to challenge yourself. I try this every once in awhile.